Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday News..... Half assed entry

It has been a long time since I have written a Friday News Roundup, and it hasn't been because there has been a lack of news. Or a lack of Fridays. For example, Anna Nicole Smith died and then the guy from LA Law was the judge in the case deciding where her body was to be buried. Wow!

So, to ease back into it, I'll use the technique of America's most widely read and stupidest newspaper, USA Today... I'll use pictures!

- First, this amalgam of headlines on CNN caught my eye yesterday. The lesson I gleaned: The world is going to hell:

- Once again, I am lucky enough for another major news story to break featuring Al Queda operative Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who yesterday admitted to planning every attack against the United States ever. This news, of course, means the reappearance of this photo, which i previously discussed here:

- It's snowing, so I'm heading home early!


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