Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday news roundup

- Bush spent Thursday with Vicente Fox in Cancun, touring Mayan Ruins and judging wet t-shirt contests. It's great to see Bush out of his element, although it is Spring Break time so actually that is his element.

- The Rovian machine is rolling again, allowing Republicans in Congress to once again distance themselves from the President, this time on the immigration issue. Led by evil Representative Tom Tancredo (R-High Horse), the House Republicans have vowed to stand up to the Senate legislation offering defacto amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants. Actual quote from California congressman and noted asshole Dana Rohrbacher: "Let the prisoners pick the fruits." Who's going to make the license plates?

- Former Nixon aide John Dean will be testifying today in a hearing to decide whether or not to censure President Bush. He will argue that Bush's covert actions are worse than Watergate, presumably by reading excerpts from his book, "Worse than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush" which will be on sale in the Dierksen Building. Checks can be made out Russ Feingold for President or sacks of money can be handed directly to Ken Mehlman.

- Three time's a chime for Naomi Campbell, who has been accused again of assaulting someone with a cell phone. Her former housekeeper has alleged that during an agrument, Campbell hit her in the back of a head with a cell phone, resulting in three stitches and four cartoon stars. Campbell was released on bail because she has an upcoming charity event with former South African President Nelson Mandela, with whom she will meet and then hit in the head with a cell phone.


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