Tuesday, February 19, 2008

End of the line

Fidel Castro has stepped aside as the leader of Cuba, presumably to devote his remaining years spending his billions and modeling leisure suits. Let the parade of hilarious stock photos begin!

Via CNN and the New York Times

Castro's departure probably doesn't mean much of anything -- time will tell what kind of leader his brother is but logic would indicate that power usually doesn't give up power unless it is forced to -- that is to say why would the Castro family remove their grip and control over the country unless someone was coming for them. My prediction? Out of confusion, the control of Cuba will wind up in the hands of New York Mets backup catcher Ramon "Fluff" Castro.

My scant level of writing, especially as the primaries have gotten so heated, is due to being away the last two weekends as well as actually having work to do. Before Hillary Clinton arranges for Barack Obama to be deported, I will make sure to redouble my efforts.


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