Friday, February 24, 2006

Denzel's Dizzy Day

Denzel Washington made news today when interrupting the recreation period at Coleman Middle School in up state New York. Washington reportedly walked into one of the classrooms with a glazed over smile on his face saying, "It's not checkers, it's chess." Apparently, Washington, to the amusement of the children mumbled this a few more times while stumbling around the room.

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"At first I was delighted," 7th grade reading teacher Ms. Jodi Best said, "he just kept saying 'it's not checkers, it's chess' everyone thought he was being funny."

Unfortunately Denzel was far from joking.

"Oh, after a couple minutes of Mr. Washington's ramblings one of the children began to cry," Ms. Best continued, "That's when he became belligerent. It seems he must have learned my name from the children's wailing, and began making up a little rhyme, you know something like '[expletive] Ms. Best this ain't checkers it's [expletive] chess. "

At this point Ms. Best called the school authorities who in turn called local law enforcement.

"If only he would have dropped the globe and came down off of Ms. Best's desk, they probably wouldn't've had to taser him." An anonymous student explained.

Washington was subdued and taken to local the station, where he was released later that day.

"What I have a hard time understanding," Lieutenant Oglineyes, who was the first to report to the scene, "those kids was playing checkers, they kept saying 'we is playing checkers Mr. Washington we is'. By the time I got there he was up on the desk with the globe over his head, just holllering 'it ain't checkers' at the ceiling."

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When asked for comment, Washington declined, though insisting we "take a picture of him for Mr. Morris."

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On a positive note Washington is reported to have two more 'celebrity millionaire get out of jail free cards' for 2006.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! More like these please! Why do you use 2 different names? You're so smart it makes me hot!

11:42 AM  

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