Friday, September 15, 2006

I have had enough, what else can you show me?

Straight from the "We're trying to scare the shit out you" files, which I believe is the name of the newest Bush cabinet department, comes this hilarious headling and accompanying picture from CNN this morning:

The details don't matter. I guess the old credo is true: If you can't scare 'em with terrorism, scare 'em with green vegetables.

I'm too tired and this makes me laugh too much to exert any more effort on this space this week. See you all next week, when I will be sure to be funnier or dead from a tragic spinach accident.

UPDATE: CNN finds actual picture of bagged spinach as opposed to wild, freerange spinach. National association of farmers market spinach sellers rejoice.

UPDATE UPDATE: Fresh from the "I prefer syrup" department, CNN gets a little colloquial (courtesy of Wonkette)

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: New England based supermarket chain springs into action, Popeye in mourning

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: Bad spinach slightly less funny; 90 people fall ill of E. coli. Jolly Green Giant taken into protective custody.


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