Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's easy to see without looking too far that not too much is really sacred

Wow, this even offends me. And I own Team America:World Police on DVD. Some guy is selling "Wal-ocaust" t-shirts and other paraphenalia to protest something or other. WalMart sued, and now this guardian of our communities and moral decency has to cease and desist selling these products.

Couple of notes. First, what's Mao doing there? He was a communist. He probably would have hated WalMart unless it were owned and operated by the PRC. The Nazi Eagles are a nice touch, but Edvard Munch's The Scream? I'm not sure what you're even going for there. And the cattle crossing signs? Please tell me you're calling the American public cattle, and not drawing further upon the holocaust comparison.

So, not funny, pretty nonsensical, and insults the Communist Chinese, Norwegian artists, Holocaust survivors, NeoNazis, cows, the ATF, the Walton family and Arkansas as a whole, and blue collar workers everywhere. Great job.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've got some hot ideas!

11:40 AM  

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