Tuesday, July 18, 2006


- While shopping for ant traps at the supermarket yesterday, I thought of the most embarrassing products to be purchasing when spotted by an ex or attractive member of the opposite sex:

- Ant traps
- Frozen pizza
- Anti fungal cream
- Wine in a box
- Pornography
- Hemorrhoid medication

- President Bush went off the reservation yesterday and said the word shit while he believed he was off mic talking to Tony Blair. This isn't the first time Bush has cursed in public; he called New York Times reporter Adam Clymer a "major league asshole" and former Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin a "fucking beanie wearing yid".

- It's officially reached "holy shit" weather in the Northeast, where it has been in the mid 90's for the past three days. I have previously discussed my aversion to heat and humidity, and I am strongly considering relocating. How's Gaza? I hear Gaza is nice this time of year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

when in gaza, visit the gaza strip club...mucho XXX!

4:43 PM  

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