Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Who ever heard of a civil war, anyway?

Oh, awesome! In order to stem the tide of Democratic wins in the House and Senate, and the view that the Republican party is out of touch and corrupt, the Senate Republicans voted in Trent Lott as their Minority Whip!!! Haha!!! Lott was of course booted out of leadership when he suggested that the country would have been better off if we had elected Strom Thurmond President in 1948. And in 1864.

This completes the "Dumb Leadership Decisions" by the Congressional leadership of each party, after Nancy Pelosi handpicked Jack "I almost took that bribe" Murtha to be Majority Leader, the Senate Republicans picked Lott, and soon to be House Minority Leader John Boehner chose this dark horse to be his top Lieutenant:

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