Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sometimes I feel, like I don't have a partner

It seems that the wonderful state of Florida, home to such luminaries as OJ Simpson, Katherine Harris, and Ted Bundy, is having some problems with sex offenders. No, not the Tampa Bay Buccaneers...

Convicted sex offenders (who have of course served their time and are no longer a risk of abusing kids ever again) are being released from jail at the end of their terms, and since many ex cons end up homeless, this group is no different. Except because they are sex offenders, they have to be in a place of residence from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Homeless+legal requirements to occupy a residence+overpopulation+Republican governors=sex offenders living under bridges. Every day a probation officer visit these homeless communities, making sure they haven't flown the coop and actually found a place to live that has a roof and walls.

And, in perhaps the most terrible twist of all, underneath the bridge was not the Chester Molesters' first choice:

"...For several of the offenders, the causeway is their second experience at homelessness. Some of them lived for months in a lot near downtown Miami until officials learned that the lot bordered a center for sexually abused children..."

Like putting a fat camp in a vacant lot next to a Chinese buffet.

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