Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday News Roundup

- The Bush administration proved that, even though they are incompetent at everything else, they can still fear monger with the best of them, letting news leak this week that Al Queda is gaining steam and that they're focusing on attacking the US. Wow, great job guys. DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff said he had a "gut feeling" that US will be move vulnerable this summer. President Bush announced he had a "gut feeling" that the new Harry Potter movie will be "really excellent".

Deceased Perdue chicken pitchman Frank Perdue had no comment

- Via CNN's unintentionally hilarious headline generator

We all know that means.... All aboard the sodomy train! Hooray! Way to go Department of Health and Human Services.

- Senator John McCain, well, let's just say he's had a pretty few weeks. Here's a rundown:

- Only has 1 million cash on hand for Presidential race
- Campaign Manager and chief strategist leave campaign
- Senior staff in Iowa leave
- Florida state co-chair Bob Allen arrested for offering to blow undercover cop in bathroom for $20.

The only way it could really get worse for him is if the guy Bob Allen tried to blow was McCain but McCain wanted more money.


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