Monday, July 02, 2007

I tend to forget my duty

Hand puppet President Bush caved today to the Republican base whom he's pissing off since, oh, about 2004, by commuting the sentence of noted dick and Former Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney, I. "Scooter" Libby. Bush argued that the 30 month prison term was too severe, and even mentioned that Libby's family has suffered immensely through this process. Oh, what I would pay to be next to Valerie Plame when she reads that line!

Libby, besides being the only member of the administration whose stupid nickname prevented President Bush from bestowing an even stupider one upon him, was the only member of the Bush team to be indicted for leaking Valerie Plame's name. By commuting the sentence instead of pardoning Libby, Bush essentially admits that he believes Libby committed the crime but does not deserve jail time. Yuk.

Libby immediately declared his intentions to run for the Republican nomination for President in 2008.

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