Friday, June 15, 2007


Once again, despite my grand plans and schemes to post regularly, I have failed and I'm back to a pitiful one or so posts a week Even I'm sick and tired of my excuses, so I'm through with them.

- I'm traveling from NY to Boston today on the limo liner, a "luxury" bus that travels from Boston to New York that is supposed to be a replacement for the Amtrak because they have wifi and very comfortable seats. Sadly, it's still a bus so I'm expecting to vomit sometime around the greater Hartford area.

- I was in NYC for 40 hours, and I spent $285.

- This entire week has been peppered by Sopranos talk, so I figured I would chime in about the last episode, because my opinion is clearly valuable and authoritative.

- When Phil's head gets run over by the SUV, what's with the guy who screams "Oh shit!" Why don't his arms move above is elbows? Also, why does no one react until his head gets crushed? Someone gets shot in bright daylight and two babies are stuck inside a car and no one says anything?

I'm still of two minds about what happened. I don't see who could have ordered the hit on Tony; all of Phil's guys seemed somewhat apprehensive about killing him to begin with, and then they had the sitdown in the warehouse. It doesn't add up. Although, we have seen a lot of the series from Tony's perspective, so if he did get hit by the guy in the Members Only Jacket, the fade to black would make sense both in terms of perspective and in terms of show history: Tony and Bobby talking about everything just going black. Although Bobby's death was the exact opposite of quick and uneventful. But if that guy did shoot Tony, wouldn't Carmela and AJ reacted, even a little, beforehand?

- As I have mentioned previously in this space, there was about a year long period of my life where I was in a bit of hard way; I stayed with friends for long stretches while I both worked and looked for work, and now I've been free and clear of that for a while. Anyway, last night at a birthday party, a friend told me how he is staying with relatives while he works in NY for the summer. Another of our friends offered up some space on his couch, but it was refused because that would have been "pulling a Rubin". Great.


Blogger Nihsab said...

Gotta love the shout out!!!!

3:43 PM  

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