Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why do I blog?

Is it just to get by?

Well, there a couple of reasons. This is the slow part of my year, and by slow I mean petrified. So, the majority of my time is spent watching Law & Order and reading. I needed another outlet to prevent my slide towards complete insanity. And I don't own a Playstation 2. Or XBOX.

So, I figured I would start writing again. I used to write a lot when I was young; mostly stories about teenagers having premarital sex and then getting impaled on something. Not exactly award winning stuff. I really enjoyed it, though, and it was always an outlet when I was bored with television and playing with my GIJOES. Now that I am 25, when I grow bored with television and playing with my GIJOES, I can write again.


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