Friday, June 30, 2006

A Real American Hero

I usually don't post twice a day, but while reading an article about embattled former NY police commissioner Bernie Kerik, I simply had the urge. Kerik, whom I can best describe as villainous, pled guilty to accepting bribes gifts from a contracting company who was looking to do business with New York City.

Here is the notable part of the article:

Kerik was convicted on a pair of misdemeanors in a deal that spared him any jail time. He instead was ordered to pay $221,000 in fines at the 10-minute hearing.

Kerik acknowledged accepting $165,000 worth of renovations on his Bronx apartment from a company attempting to do business with the city -- a New Jersey construction firm with alleged links to the mob. He also admitted failing to report a loan as required by city law.

The plea bargain allows Kerik to continue his new career as a security consultant in the Middle East.

Oh wow.

I am brimming with patriotism and optimism.


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7:09 PM  

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