Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday News Roundup

- In the "No, I was just shooting that guy to test his bullet proof vest", department, a Plymouth, Massachusetts town selectman, arrested for trying to solicit sex from a teenager on the internet, claimed that he knew about the police sting all along and that he was just testing whether or not they would respond appropriately. The telling quote: ""Sometimes I stick my nose where it shouldn't be." What about your penis? Do you ever stick your penis where it shouldn't be?

- Israel is mulling over putting a full engagement of ground troops in Lebanon, while President Bush is mulling over what world leader to molest next. My hope is Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

- A judge in North Carolina ruled that a state law banning unmarried couples from living together was unconstitutional and must be overturned. So, just a North Carolina recap, cohabitation: legal. Being black: still illegal.

- Not really worldwide news, but my bruised/possibly broken tailbone has almost completely healed. I still can't sit on any hard objects (Hey now!) and have to shift around excessively while at my desk. So, it looks like I'm in the clear until I do something stupid next week.


Blogger Keith Carbone said...

what did you do to your tail bone, huh? Five Houwz? Thats what I thought. I had no idea you was a ho.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:14 PM  

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