Monday, November 20, 2006

Are the fires of hell a-glowing? Is the grisly reaper mowing? Yes, the danger must be growing

"Hey, Vlad, am I high again? Hey, is that an Oompa Loompa?"

President Bush continued his visit to Vietnam, where this time he met with world leaders and they dressed up in ridiculous outfits and posed for awkward pictures and some press person got fired. My favorite is the guy in the yellow.

Bush today is Indonesia, a country known for reallllllly hating him, so this ought to be fun. I expect bitter protests followed by fat Republicans feigning indignity. Good times.

In other news, gravely voiced Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel has once against proposed a military draft, an idea he has floated in the past but now since the Democrats will be in the majority, fat Republicans will feign indigity and start signing their kids up for the Coast Guard. In response to Rangel's plan, President Bush revealed that he and his entire family was gay.

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