Thursday, November 16, 2006

Capitol Hill Update

- Incoming Senate Majority Leaders Harry Reid said his relationship with fellow Nevada Senator John Ensign is close, but not "a Brokeback Mountain situation". Ensign agreed, calling it "much more physical than that."

- Jowely onetime crooked Congressman Jack Murtha claims he has enough votes to beat Steny Hoyer for the position of House Majority Leader, but just to be sure, he's planning to bribe all of the undecideds. Hoyer blasted Murtha for "ethical lapses, and stealing my idea to bribe all of the undecideds."

- Trent "I still think segregation was underrated" Lott is settling back in the Senate Leadership, where as I noted yesterday he will be the Minority Whip, which, of course is a better title than the one he suggested, Minority Noose.*

- And finally, it's Freshman orientation week in Washington, where newly elected Congressman and Senators will get really drunk, talk about how much they love John Mayer, and have sex with each other. Wait, I think I'm confused... No, I'm right.

*Credit to PK, again

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