Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cried til the morning

Mike Vick was indicted on the dog-fighting rap this week, along with three other despicable human beings. I'm sure the NFL, the Falcons, and Vick are kind of shellshocked over the whole thing, and the horrible details that have been coming out about what exactly Vick's role was in the dog-fighting as well as the absolutely disgusting things that happened at his compound.

To recap: Mike Vick may have just entered a realm that no pro-athlete has ever entered. He may be the most reviled current professional sports player ever, with the possible exception of Rae Carruth, who instead of killing dogs actually killed a human being. But it's possible that the legal process will move slowly and the football season will start before the trial does. If that happens, does Vick play? How can the Falcons, or the NFL, let that happen? Not only did this guy run a dog fighting ring, but he allegedly personally tortured and murdered dogs.

How do we let this guy back into society, let alone the NFL? How can NFL fans still watch his games with any excitement? How can Falcons' fans allow the ownership to keep him on the team? Who would sign him? How can he ever show his face again?

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