Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Closed leg don't get fed

So I'm starting to get over it.

Today, however, the media released the name of Eliot Spitzer's prostitute, pictured here:

Note: Photo actually of Civil War General Joseph Hooker

The Times ran a bit of a spread of this girl, and Drudge and The Smoking Gun joined in the barrage, publishing her name, place of birth, the name of her brother, and her life story, which quite predictably ran the gamut of troubled youth coupled with a burgeoning career in music. Also, she is superhot. Like crazy hot. Like, James Joyce couldn't describe her accurately, although he would use a lot of words and it would be confusing.

I'm not going to write this girl's name, or show her photo. Because outside of my morbid, and once I viewed the photos lascivious, curiosity, who she is none of business. This woman is going on the front cover of every newspaper in New York. She'll be called a whore and worse by trophy wives who are just as guilty of prostitution as she is. She's just a girl looking to get paid.

On the flip side, from what I read, her story is probably even more interesting than Spitzer's -- he is just a guy looking to get laid. An important guy, and a careless guy, and may I again add a nerdly guy, but he is just a guy looking to get laid. She is this incredibly beautiful girl, and her life somehow takes her to charging $5000 a night for sex.

As a side note, my mother said she and her coworkers were laughing at Spitzer's demise yesterday, saying, "Man, if we knew all we had to do was get into shape and buy some breast implants, our lives would have been a lot different."

Ok, fine here's a picture of her:

Note: Photo actually of 80's supercop TJ Hooker. And Adrian Zmed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spitzer better look out, or his wife is going to have Swayze come over for a little housework. Or, more likely, William Shatner.

2:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor girl just trying to accrue some capital.

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who farted?

7:28 AM  

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