Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hello, Mary Lou, goodbye heart

I love spam. Well, actually I hate spam, but I love the techniques that websites will use to get you to log onto their website. For example, do they really think that when I see an email from "Procrastination V. Antihistimine" with the subject line: "I have what you're looking for", I will open it, thinking, "Oh, wow, I haven't hear from Procrastination in a while. I wonder what he's up to?" No, no I will not.

I received the following spam today, and actually opened it. But, they used unfair tactics. The email was sent from Mary Louise Parker. Somehow, this site knew of my undying, unconditional love for Mary Louise, or Lou, as I call her. In fact, I started this blog in the hope that she would somehow come across it. Anyway, I was so excited to receive an email from her that I opened it. Who knew what she was into?

Here's how it read:

We love chicks that sqquirt.
It's an amazing gift that many girls possess,
but only a few actually know their bodies well
enough to do it. It's the ultimate release,
there's simply nothing |-|oter than a girl who
can caam floods and floods of sweet puzzi juice

While disappointed in her inability to frame this into proper poetic verse and her serious issues with proper spelling, I still think there is a chance for the two of us. After all, apparently we have the same interests.


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